Growing People Who Impact Their World For Jesus Christ
Mayer Community Church
This resource is an encouragement to take that bible off the shelf and get into it. Read it. You don't need to be a theologian, you don't even need to study it. Just read and absorb. The first hurdle is just to get God's word into you. You do that by getting into it.
The Bible Said it First Bible McNuggets How Hard Can it Be?
Read the Book
How Hard Can it Be?

The Bible's a big book, right? Lot of stuff, hard to read? Well, did you know the Bible's text, cover to cover, makes a file only 1MB in size? That's less than Facebook's minimum size requirement for posted images. Yep, the whole Bible, all 66 books, all 1188 chapters, is less than half the size of an electronic image with good resolution such as the one above! So, really, what's keeping us from reading the Bible more?