Growing People Who Impact Their World For Jesus Christ
Mayer Community Church

As a member of Mayer Community Church, by the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit, I covenant to:

  1. Pray for my church leaders, my fellow members and my community.
  2. Attend faithfully and regularly the worship services of the church.
  3. Serve the body at Mayer Community Church by:
    1. Using my Gifts to build up my fellow believers and to further the advance of the Gospel;
    2. Loving the Lost by praying for them, sharing the gospel with them and inviting them to church;
    3. Nurturing the Needy by being a church that serves as a refuge where hurting people can find rest and healing;
    4. Caring for our Community through meeting both physical and spiritual needs of the people;
    5. Demonstrating Christian Fellowship and Friendliness by engaging in healthy, loving relationships, realizing that life change occurs through shared lives; and
    6. Engaging Different Generations and Cultures by treating all people with equality, dignity and respect.
  4. Give to my church and to the needs of others, not just out of abundance but joyfully and sacrificially.
  5. Submit to the pastors and leaders of my church who will give an account to the Lord as they keep watch over my soul.